The Most Popular Tiles for 2018
This week, I thought it would be fun to talk about the most popular tiles for 2018. Recently, I ran some reports, and I must say I was surprised by a few of the top tiles. Here is a list of our Top 5. And, I know that everyone has a Top Ten, so I upped the stakes and made a Top Five.

Image Source: World Class Tiles
Number 1: Levoni Eon Grey
This is a porcelain tile that comes in 12″ x 24″ pieces and has a matching bullnose. It is made in Italy, and the tile is rated a five on a scale of hardness from a 1 to 5. Therefore, this tile is as hard as tile gets. Eon is also a glazed porcelain. Additionally, Eon has a great looking modern stone likeness. And, there is a mild variation from tile to tile.
Number 2: Panaria Wood Trend Multi Walnut

Image Source: Panaria
This is a wood looking porcelain tile that is made in the U.S.A. Kentucky to be exact. This tile comes in 8”x 36″ pieces. Moreover, Wood Trend has several colors, but this is the one that sells the most. It is also a five rated tile. Overall, Panaria did a fantastic job of making the tile look like real wood. Although, the Panaria is much harder than real wood and can be used in a wet environment. Also, Paneria Wood has a nice variation to it, but not too much. Interestingly, the first time I saw this tile was at the Tile Expo in Las Vegas, and I thought that it looked like the floor of an old Irish pub.
Number 3: Ascot Wood Cinder

Image Source: Tile Expert
Ascot tile is made in Italy. It also has a wood-appearance and is five-rated. Additionally, Ascot wood is suitable for any application, indoor or outdoor. It is a great-looking modern wood porcelain tile. The ascot wood comes in 6” x 39” size planks. This tile has been one of our best sellers for the last five years. Ascot makes this in 4 different colors, but Cinder is the color that made the top of our list.
Number 4: Panaria Suite Arabesque

Image Source: Panaria
The Suite series is made in Kentucky and is a five rated porcelain. This tile comes in a 12″ x 24″, 12″ x 12″, 2″ x 2″ mosaic and a bullnose. The Panaria Suite tile is a marble-looking porcelain and has a five rating. Besides, there are two colors available in the Panaria Suite style.
Number 5: Arpa Seastone Grey

Image Source: Arpa Ceramiche
Arpa is a great Italian tile that is a five-rated porcelain tile. Arpa and Atlas Marble & Tile have a long history of working together, since the early 1990’s. The Arpa Seastone is a beautiful modern stone-looking tile. Finally, the Seastone comes in three colors and comes in a 12″ x 24″, 2″ x 2″, and a matching bullnose.
This is our top five most popular tiles. All of these styles are in stock in our Arnold, Maryland store. Please feel free to look through our 3000-foot showroom and pick through our 1,000+ tile selections. Additionally, check out the marble and tile style trends of 2018. Also, we stock lots of grouts, mortars, decorative tiles and all the different products that you need to do an excellent tile project.